Monday, December 03, 2012

Jongleur de rue

Toulouse, novembre 2012

Il commence à faire bien froid ici mais ce jeune homme semble l'ignorer...

Traffic light juggler
It is starting to get cold here but this young man does not seem to care...


  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    *** Coucou Chère Thérèse !!! :o)

    Et oui ! ce jongleur ignore le froid, il ignore aussi le danger de la circulation ... mais on peut dire qu'il sait jongler !!! :o)
    J'aimerais avoir cette dextérité !!!... et cette insouciance !!! ;o)

    Merci pour le partage de cette photo Thérèse !!!

    Bises amicales et bonne journée !!! :o) ***

  2. attention danger !

  3. A captive audience - waiting for the light to change. Hope he's as quick on his feet as he seems to be with his hands.

  4. 4 balles en l'air ! Tu as pris la photo au bon moment.

  5. c'est lui qui remplace le feu vert ?

  6. Il a peut-être une angine maintenant...

  7. Tu l'as joliment attrapée !!! Dis-moi, tu tiens le volant d'une main et l'appareil photo de l'autre ? :-)

  8. joli ! good "capture" comme on dit !

  9. Photo amusante. Etonnant un jongleur dans la rue par temps froid, ça le relaxe peut-être ;)
    Bonne semaine Thérèse @+ :)

  10. Sa file les
    Ton APN est toujours prêt à faire feu !!!
    Bonne semaine A + :))

  11. I hope he makes enough to buy his meals. Apparently, he has not made enough to buy some clothes for winter.

    In response to your comment on my blog at My Brookville Daily Photos about the Alamo. . .

    I was very disappointed at the small size of the Alamo when we got there. And we stayed in the hotel next to the Alamo. I seem to remember it was expensive but very old and we ate our meals there too.

    Having said that, back in the day when Davy Crockett was there and Santa Anna, the Alamo had to be huge in appearance as it stuck up off the surrounding desert floor to whatever height it was. And that was the largest building on the block, so to speak.

    Because it seemed so small, to us, we took the bus tour that is always parked in front of the Alamo and got to see the rest of the missions and we were impressed by, 1. How Cool they were inside, and 2. How much bigger they were than the Alamo.

  12. Comme Miss Yves : Brrrrrr !

  13. il va les avaler !!!!

  14. jongler entre les voitures + le froid, cela ne doit pas etre evident. tu as attrape le bon moment, ou il a la balle sur la tete.

  15. Is he really out in the middle of the street?

  16. Yes Sharon this guy was standing on the road crossing, juggling till he quickly ran to the sidewalk when the light turned green for us.

  17. ELLE Est magique ta photo je trouve et j'espère que tu n'as pas eu froid
    LUI a l'air en forme
    J'adore aussi jongler pas toi!!

  18. wouah!!! chapeau à lui et bravo à toi d'avoir réussi à le capter...

  19. Aaaah! This is a great picture. Well captured! :-)

    Greetings from The Netherlands, DzjieDzjee

  20. Une façon sympa de régler la circulation !
    Belle soirée


  21. ...tout comme il ignore, ou plutôt défie, la circulation ! Bravo pour ce cliché saisi au vol :) Ces instants "décalés" sont précieux dans nos vies réglées.

  22. Very cool!
    I'm glad that you had the presence of mind to take the shot! I probably would have watched then drove away wishing I would have snapped a picture.
